For the very first time ever, my son, Justin, invited me, my mom, and Dominick to come to his home for Christmas Eve. Ava just wasn't portable this year. And you know what? It was wonderful! We munched on nachos, veggies & dip, potato salad, and drank Jagermeister. What a combo, huh? It worked for us just fine, thank you. Ava was an absolute doll all night, giggling and hamming it up. I bought her a Fisher-Price musical stage, which she adored. It has a mirror on it, which was covered in Ava kisses in no time. We all enjoyed ourselves very much, even though our evening was completely different than our usual celebration. I guess sometimes it is good to shake things up and just let go.
The best news is that Ava has made such good progress that she is now off her 24 hr feedings. She now is able to eat pureed foods and clear liquids by mouth all day, with the tube feedings just at night. She has gained 2 1/2 pounds since December 13. Awww, just like her grandma!
By the way, I am officially "the best mom in the world" according to Dominick. It seems Santa brought Guitar Hero III. Apparently GHIII is the hot game this year, because we sure have had a lot of company since Christmas Eve. I hope the novelty doesn't wear off too soon, because I haven't seen Dominick enjoy himself this much in a long time.
Dominick took the picture attached to this post on Christmas Eve. That's our tree, alright, but it seems to look much prettier in the picture. Good job, Dom!
I wish all of you, and us, a very happy New Year!