First of all, let me just say that I have had all I can take of Williams Syndrome. Happiness gene, yeah, right.
Second, I have been avoiding all of you because it breaks my heart to hear about illness and surgery and angry outbursts from our kids who are blessed with the aforementioned happiness gene. I am currently unable to make sense of a genetic deletion that can bless a child with a beautiful personality and the gift of empathy and at the same time curse him with life-threatening cardiac issues.
Third, my sweet Ava is in the hospital again. This time it was a nasty virus that took her down. She was an inpatient for a week at Sparrow hospital, went home for a day or two, and now is at U of M. The poor baby just cannot eat or drink. Consequently, she dehydrates really quickly and really severely. Her doctors were concerned that her organs were beginning to shut down, but it seems that that crisis has been averted. It looks as though she will be getting a j-tube, which hopefully will get the food where it needs to be without causing such chronic vomiting. I hope so, because she has been steadily losing weight. She is lethargic and just not "Ava". I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will turn a corner soon, because she has been too sick for too long.
Last, but certainly not least, please pray for Whitney and her family. Things are as bad as they can get for her. Blake's prognosis is very poor. Laura and I feel very blessed to have met Whitney and Blake yesterday. She's such a sweet person, and little Blake is trying so hard to survive. Unfortunately, they are so far from home that it's very difficult for their family to be here. Thank goodness Troy is here right now, because Whitney should not be alone. I don't even know what else to say. It's just incredibly sad.
"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them
not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14