Monday, September 25, 2006

Angels Among Us

Danny Schaub was a very good friend of Ava's parents. He was more like family than just a friend. He was kind and gentle and caring. In fact, he was to be Ava's godfather. Tragically, Danny died before Ava was born. He was so young, too young to die.

The other day Laura reported to me that she thought Ava saw an angel! She said it just chilled her, because Ava suddenly looked up, startled, and then let loose a big smile and a sigh. There was NOTHING there to see, but whatever it was, it comforted Ava.

What do you think? Is it possible that our little angel has her very own guardian angel? Is it possible that Uncle Danny really is looking out for her? Is he playing some celestial version of "peekaboo"? I like to think that God does take care of the little children, especially those who suffer.

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Thank you, Danny, for keeping watch.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

What if?

Thanks to a little insomnia I have been watching an old Mel Gibson flick, The Man Without a Face. Mel is a disfigured recluse who begins, somewhat unwillingly, a friendship of sorts with a young boy who asks him to provide tutoring so that he can pass his boarding school entrance exam. It turns out old Mel is really a great guy and provides the mentoring this kid really needs. Yada yada. Anyway, my mind started wandering and in popped Ava! Right now Ava is really small for her age, so any delays are somewhat overlooked because she can "pass" for a younger child. I wonder if, as Ava gets older, people will see only her impairments (for lack of a better word at 3:00am) instead of the great kid inside. What if people whisper the "R" word about her? I know in my heart that we love her as much as humanly possible. I know that she will have every available opportunity to learn. And I try to tell myself to take it one day at a time. But still, what if?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Make mine a tonsillectomy with a side of kidney failure, please!

I am a card-carrying member of the "Sandwich Generation"

My son had a T&A on September 13. What fun! Thank God for Vicodin and the Family Medical Leave Act. If only the Vicodin were for me:) Anyway, the surgery went well and his GIANT tonsils and adenoids are gone forever! Hopefully no more infections, snoring, or sleep apnea. Mr. Dominick is healing nicely. However, I am not used to being home this much with him. It seems we are starting to get on each other's nerves. I think both of us are ready for this to be over. And frankly, I am tired of buying ice cream.

In addition, my mom has developed some issues that are making me a bit nervous. It appears she is in kidney failure, Stage 3-almost Stage 4. Ugh! So far she has had an MRI and will see the nephrologist next week. It's so scary when a parent's health begins to fail. To top it all off, I am an only child, so there is no one to share this experience with. I am not liking it, but really, I am very confident that she will be ok. Or maybe I am in denial.

On September 18 I discovered the indescribable joy of having a colonoscopy. Unfortunately, I flunked it by engaging in a little apnea and subsequent coughing fit. Doctor said the camera was jumping too much to get good pictures. Can you even imagine what that must have looked like?? Oh my God! My ass jiggling all over the table and these people that I sometimes have to see at the grocery store witnessing the whole thing?? I am so humiliated. Anyway, now I have to get fitted for a CPAP machine and also have a barium enema. Does it even get any better than this??

Now, on to Miss Ava! She saw the eye doc recently and it was decided that surgery is the only way to straighten her eyes. No glasses yet. They will continue daily patching and hope that her vision gets stronger. She has a followup visit in October, I think, so maybe they will recommend something else at that visit. The doctor, Linda Angell, is wonderful! She's very kind and soft-spoken and Ava really responded to her. So, here we go again...back to the operating room. Surgery will be scheduled as soon as clearance is received from the cardiologist. Doctor just wants to make sure that Ava can handle the anesthesia.

Ava went to the cardiologist on September 14. I couldn't attend that appointment because of Tonsil Boy, but they tell me everything went very well. She will have a sedated echo next week, which hopefully will give us more good news.

Sometimes when I write about doctors and appointments and tests I feel like I am writing about some other baby. Because our baby is the picture of health and happiness. She is so sweet and loving and gives 1000 percent more than she takes. It is impossible not to love her! She puts up with us very patiently. Even when we try to dress her funny.

Gotta go now. Since I am on the computer I will have to check out all my favorite kids. So look out Brady and Erik and Tatum and Clare and I come!!