Monday, September 25, 2006

Angels Among Us

Danny Schaub was a very good friend of Ava's parents. He was more like family than just a friend. He was kind and gentle and caring. In fact, he was to be Ava's godfather. Tragically, Danny died before Ava was born. He was so young, too young to die.

The other day Laura reported to me that she thought Ava saw an angel! She said it just chilled her, because Ava suddenly looked up, startled, and then let loose a big smile and a sigh. There was NOTHING there to see, but whatever it was, it comforted Ava.

What do you think? Is it possible that our little angel has her very own guardian angel? Is it possible that Uncle Danny really is looking out for her? Is he playing some celestial version of "peekaboo"? I like to think that God does take care of the little children, especially those who suffer.

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Thank you, Danny, for keeping watch.


Lisa said...

How cool her Godfather is looking out for her. What a lucky little girl ;)

Nancy said...

That is awesome.



Kerry said...

I have no doubts he is with her. How lucky for her!

Kati said...

I want to beleive in it! It can be so soothing :)
Sometimes I think Szabi can see angels (or somthing like them) because he is in his room and look to sg. (which I can't see) and smiling while talking to it.

Love, Kati